Thursday, September 8, 2011

Winding Down

Well, these last few weeks have been busy.  Getting things done and preparing to leave.  I miss everyone a home so very much!  I think I have run out of grace for being here, so since I am not leaving yet, I keep praying for more.  And He is good and supplies me with my every need!  I can honestly say that I am not sorry to have missed our very hot summer, being here in the hills of Kenya during winter.  Even if it is on the equator it has been cool at times because of the high altitude.
Kids in the 'neighborhood' playing marbles :-)
This is just one flower on a Poinsetta TREE!
We went to the crater, dormant volcano (steam still rises here, don't know how dormant it is)

Well, Kids Day was a huge success.  So I'm told :-)  I was asked to do this for the kids in church.  Well, ok, there are maybe 30 kids on a full Sunday and with their friends maybe we'll have 50, so let's plan for 100.  Lakini (but), Geroge did not tell me he invited 2 churches and their Sunday school teachers!  Turnout was around 150!  The Kingdom Hikers helped ALOT!  I couldn't have done it without them.  We had fun!  At 9 we got there to decorate (put up balloons and the banner) and were greeted by friends! 

Then they trickled in all day.  We started singing and worship, Gideon leading, at about 10:30.  When there was about 100 I taught a bible lesson:  Jesus loves the children, kwa kwali (of course) and His Triumphant Entry (palm leaves and everything!)  Largest group I had ever taught and with an interpretter (swahili)
One hundred and fifty!  Oh Lord, stretch the snacks and prizes! (And He did!)
Me and Mary's cute little Nahid!

It was a good day!
Mama and toto (baby) at the gate of Lake Nakuru Park.  We went to look at the baboons.  They just roam around there, and by the homes in nearby Lakeview (getting into homes and vehicles looking for food!)  We are going on safari to the park tomarrow!  It will be so much fun!

Bye, and love to you all!
I can't wait to see you next week!