Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hello! And greetings from Kenya! This has been so exciting! I can't believe that I am on the other side of the world from all of you! Do you like the title of my blog? It means amazing! I was looking at the beautiful countryside and asked George for the word in Swahili for it. I love it, it is almost like my name!

The trip was sooooooooooo long. 1 1/2 hour to Chicago, 5 1/2 hours wait, 10 1/2 hours over the ocean to Istanbul, Turkey, 1/2 hour wait, then 6 hours to Nairobi, that is 24 hours all together! Boy, did my knees ache.

George was there waiting for us when we landed in Nairobi at 1 in the morning. We were all there, but not all our luggage. We were all missing one of our suitcases: me, Amma, Abba, and Tabbach. Only Chloe had all of hers, she said it was because hers were hot pink!
we looked and looked and looked. So we filled out reports that they were missing and went to a hotel to sleep a little before heading to Nakuru.
Here is George's famous van.

Well, in the morning after breakfast, we went to the airport to get our luggage, but no luggage (hapana). They were still in Istanbul. We would get them tomorrow.

So we, finally, left for Nakuru. How exciting! So much TRAFFIC and PEOPLE! Very busy and bumpy. George is an incredible driver! And we arrived safely to find Nellie, Petronella, and Beatie had made a feast to welcome us: we had chapattis (yummy flat bread), turkey, vegetables and rice.
Michelle jumped into Papa Tabbach's arms!

Michelle was so cute! She kept saying 'How are you?'and 'I am fine.' After they welcomed us we ate and ate. It is so good to be here. God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Yahshana,
    Thanks for including the picture of the handsome man holding Michelle. It's now the background picture on my computer. :) Hey, I'm also glad you included yourself. We miss you, and it's just good to see you this way. Wow, what a team God sent to Africa! Love you much, Hashachar
